Saturday, January 11, 2003

Terrible Two - Too Early

Lately, it seems Lauren can be a super groucho when she doesn't get her way. Of course this happens after I write "Lauren is such a good girl! I really haven't noticed a situation where I would have use d a Time Out." (see my post on 1/3/2003).

Today, we went to Old Navy to exchange a coat for Lauren that was too large for her. She was fine when she was walking around freely around the store. Sheila and I had to chase her down to try on the coat but we coaxed her into trying it on without much fuss. So after she tries on the coat she starts roaming around again. So i'm just following her making sure she doesn't get into too much trouble. She decides to go into the dressing room. I didn't want her to. This is when it all blows up in my face. I tried to redirect her to go some other place but she wouldn't have any of it. She just started wailing and laid down on the floor. So what am I to do. It was relatively quite in the store before her shenanigans (It was around 10am) so I brought her back to the car and waited for Sheila to exchnage the coat. Of course by the time Sheila got in the car Lauren had started to fall asleep.

We went back home and Lauren took a good 2 1/2 hour nap. She woke up. Ate lunch. And was her happy go lucky self again!

Friday, January 10, 2003


Lauren's teacher said she had 2 LARGE BMs today (bowel movements aka poop) that they had to change her clothes twice today. At least they didn't have to give her a bath. When she was in the infant room, she pooped so much her diaper leaked that they did have to give her a bath. I was sooo embarrassed that day. But what can you do do?

Thursday, January 09, 2003

Rubber Duckies 2.0

When Lauren came home from daycare today, she came home with green finger paint on her fingers. She's got a bag full of her artwork that we'll show her when she's older. She had a great day today at daycare because she didn't come running to Sheila when it was time for her to go home. She was busy playing witth her playmates.

We ate dinner at Mickey D's (McDonald's) and just let her get as messy as she wanted. (Not really - but we didn't mind it as much when she had strawberry shake dripping down her shirt and onto her pants because we decided we were going to give her another bath tonight.)

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Rubber Duckies

Lauren has 5 rubber duckies of different sizes and a toy turtle that swims (I think we got it from a happy meal). She likes to throw them in her inflatable bath tub when i'm in the middle of filling it up.

Lauren took a bath today. She normally gets one every other day. When she was just an infant, we only had to do this once a week (infants don't get dirty that quickly simply because they're not that moblie yet). She's at a point now where she doesn't like to get her hair rinsed and Sheila thinks those bath visors (foam sun-visor thingamabob) they sell at Babies R Us might help. I personally don't think they will. Maybe we'll pick one up this weekend and give it a try.

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Got A Song In My Head

Lauren is not much of a morning person (she's not easy to wake up). Getting her ready for daycare in the morning can be a task at times. She likes to curl up in a fetal position face down when i'm trying to put her in her clothes. Normally, I would put on her onesy (onesie? I don't know how the heck to spell that thing), followed by her pants, then socks, shoes, and coat. But since she's in her fetal position, I put on her socks first. Then i'd try to tickle her to wake her up but sometimes she just doesn't want to turn around. So what do I do?

Sing a song - of course! So I sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes". And it works. The only problem is I have this song in my head. I've been singing this song in my head all the way to work (about a 45 minute commute).

Monday, January 06, 2003

It's Nose = Snow

When I was dropping Lauren off at daycare today, she saw all the snow on the ground and said "Nose!". She knows where her nose is but I guess to her snow and nose sound exactly alike. I try to correct her but she insists it's nose on the ground and it's noseflakes falling from the sky.

Sunday, January 05, 2003

Snow, Snow, Snow

When Lauren woke up this morning, she did not want to get out of her crib. She's usually crying to get out of it as soon as she wakes up but not today. She just started to jump up and down on her mattress like it was a trampoline. She's not quite that coordinated enough to jump high up enough to pull herself up over the rail yet. But one of these days that day will come. Then we'll have to put her in a todler bed or Sheila suggests a full bed with rail guards since she'll probably outgrow it pretty quickly.

We had breakfast and shortly after we finished, it started to snow. I really wasn't surpised because they were calling for some snow flurries but it seems like more than that to me (about 3" here). Anyway, we've been in the house all day because of the snow (not a real excuse but we really didn't feel like going out today and the snow was just an excuse to justify bumming around the house all day).

Being in the house all day has taken a toll on Lauren. She is the type that doesn't like to be couped up in one particular place. She's been up and down the stairs. In all the bedrooms and bathrooms (closing the door behind her). She's getting a bit grumpy so what are we to do?

Watch Barney videos! Hey, if it works, don't knock it! Right?