Saturday, January 18, 2003


Today, Lauren played with her toy slide that her tita Mary Ann gave for Christmas. It's one of those plastic indoor toy slides. It has 2 steps (3 if you include the top of the slide) and the slide itself is pretty steep to me. She's able to climb up the steps on her own but sometimes when she gets to the top, she gets a little frightened by the height, especially when she has troubles getting one of her legs around so she can slide down (I always try to let her get herself out of trouble - but of course i'm there by her side just in case).

Anyway, she's going up and down the slide and everytime she slides down, she creates static electricity (I hear the static building up everytime she slides down). So everytime she slides down, she likes to ZAP me before she goes back up the steps to slide down again and again and again. ZAP, ZAP, ZAP!

Friday, January 17, 2003

Picky Eater?

We've got 5 different boxes of cereal: Cheerios, Kix, Honey Nut Chex, Trix, and Lucky Charms. Notice how they go from nutritious to sugary sweet? At dinner tonight, she wasn't too thrilled with her egg roll and fried rice. She used to just gobble up anything we put in front of her. Now it seems like she has something in mind that she would rather eat but she just doesn't know how to say it!

Thursday, January 16, 2003


Well, Lauren has once again bitten one of her playmates at daycare. The accident report says she bit 2 fingers and for no apparent reason. I just don't understand. She's such a good girl right? She knows not to bite. We have reinforced this so many times when she had her first episodes of biting. As soon as we say "no biting" she starts to cry. She knows she'll get in trouble if she bites so I think she must have been provoked. I remember her teacher saying one day that all the other kids were going up to Lauren and pointing at Lauren's mouth one by one as if to taunt her. The teahers just shook their heads dumbfounded. They said Lauren just stood there unmoved. Maybe this was her payback. They said she had a good day otherwise.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003


It seems like Lauren is getting more and more independent. Like when I bring her to daycare in the morning, she wants to walk from the car to the entrance instead of me carrying her. That's not all. She doesn't want to hold my hand along the way. It kinda makes me feel a little rejected (doesn't it look cuter from behind when a father and daughter are walking hand in hand?) And to get to the door, there's 2 flights of steps that she wants to walk down - on her own - without any help from me. But that's where I put my foot down and pick her up and carry her down the stairs screaming and yelling to put her down. I guess she doesn't quite understand adults have schedules to keep.

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Big Sister

Well for those of you who don't know, Lauren will be a big sister come June 7th (estimated). We just found out the results of the amnio. Everything looks ok. We found out the sex of the baby. Do ya wanna know? Well it looks like the balance of power will stay with the women of the house. Yes, we will be having another baby girl!

Monday, January 13, 2003

KFC Filipino Style

Lauren had a drumstick for dinner today (original recipe) with mashed potatoes. Sheila likes her KFC with ketchup and rice. When Lauren saw this, she yelled "Ice" (she meant rice - she can't quite pronounce R's yet). She loves rice! The drumstick was too big for her so we pulled the meat off the bone for her. She quickly dipped the pieces in the ketchup and ate it all up! At one point, she was just eating the ketchup and rice.

Sunday, January 12, 2003


We brought Lauren to Chuck E. Cheese today. We had fun. I really don't feel like writing right now so this is it.