Saturday, January 25, 2003


Sheila broke out all the photo alblums of Lauren. She's planning on making a scrapbook of all of Lauren's firsts. It's amazing how much she's grown! Almost brought me to tears. She's only 19 months old now but she really has grown so much! One thing that stayed the same is her beautiful smile.

Friday, January 24, 2003

Civil Disobedience

Well, not really. It's more like - no, no, no. When I picked Lauren up at daycare today, her teacher said they asked Lauren to clean up and Lauren said "No" but she cleaned up anyway! Is this the beginning of the no, no, no stage? Lauren does seem to be getting more and more independent and starting to talk a little more. Sheila and I know she wants to tell us something but she just doesn't know how to say it and gets frustrated. Usually she will just grab our hand and pull it to whatever she wants.

Thursday, January 23, 2003

Phone Shy

Whenever Lauren's grandma or nanay calls to talk to her, she never wants to say anything. Lauren has a toy phone that she "talks" to all the time but when it comes to talkin on the real thing, she just clams up. Maybe I think she just likes to listen to the other person talking on the phone trying to get her to talk back!

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Knappy Hair

Lauren took a bath today. Sheila bought that foam sun visor thingamabob so the "tear-free" shampoo doesn't get in Lauren's eyes. I put it on Lauren, but she really doesn't like anything on her head. She still cried when I rinsed her hair but not as loudly as she normally would. So I guess it kinda works. After I rinse her hair off, I quickly take that sun visor off and she goes back to playing with her rubber duckies. I then put some conditioner on the back of her hair because if I don't the hair on the back of her head gets really, really knappy and tangled up.

Tuesday, January 21, 2003


The other day, Lauren brought home some of the artwork she did at daycare. Sheila and I noticed a couple of them had nothing on it (blank pieces of craft paper). We got a little worried because usually she likes to draw, color, paint, etc. I just thought maybe she just didn't feel like painting or drawing that day. Well, when I was dropping off Lauren at daycare one of the other parents picked up his son's artwork and said to the teacher, "hey there's nothing on this. This is blank." The teacher replied "the kids are allowed to do whatever they want and if they decide not to do anything, then we don't force them." I was just glad Lauren was not the only one that didn't feel like painting that day.

Monday, January 20, 2003


I've noticed that Lauren does not like eating leftovers. I tried to feed her adobo today but she just didn't want any of it. So she had a salad with ranch dressing instead. She ate it all up! At one point she was just dipping her finger in the ranch dressing and licking it off. She had some fruit afterwards, followed by cake and ice cream. She was on such a sugar high after dinner. She was just talking away.

Sunday, January 19, 2003

13 Hours

That's how long Lauren slept last night. She slept straight through the night without a peep. It seems like she's more of a happy camper when she gets the amount of sleep that she wants (when she wakes up on her own instead of me having to wake her up to get ready for daycare). So tonight, she went to bed at 7:30pm. Still not 13 hours but about an hour earlier than usual.