Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Got A Song In My Head

Lauren is not much of a morning person (she's not easy to wake up). Getting her ready for daycare in the morning can be a task at times. She likes to curl up in a fetal position face down when i'm trying to put her in her clothes. Normally, I would put on her onesy (onesie? I don't know how the heck to spell that thing), followed by her pants, then socks, shoes, and coat. But since she's in her fetal position, I put on her socks first. Then i'd try to tickle her to wake her up but sometimes she just doesn't want to turn around. So what do I do?

Sing a song - of course! So I sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes". And it works. The only problem is I have this song in my head. I've been singing this song in my head all the way to work (about a 45 minute commute).


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