Friday, January 03, 2003

Happy New Year!

Lauren just had her 18 month check-up and she's doing fine. She now weighs in at 24 1/2 lbs and 33 inches long. Her pediatrician said she can start eating fish sticks and tuna and nuts (except peanuts). There's not much food that Lauren doesn't like so any new food she eats she just gobbles up.

Her pediatrician said we can start introducing the concept of Time Out to Lauren if she misbehaves. I'm not sure how this is going to go since Lauren is such a good girl! I really haven't noticed a situation where I would have used a Time Out.

She likes to imitate what we do. Like when she was watching TV, she saw some people shaking hands so she went to me to shake my hand. Then she went to Sheila and shook her hand. And she kept going back and forth between the both of us.

We just cleaned out Lauren's closet and put away some of her smaller clothes. It's hard to believe she's grown so much!


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