Saturday, January 11, 2003

Terrible Two - Too Early

Lately, it seems Lauren can be a super groucho when she doesn't get her way. Of course this happens after I write "Lauren is such a good girl! I really haven't noticed a situation where I would have use d a Time Out." (see my post on 1/3/2003).

Today, we went to Old Navy to exchange a coat for Lauren that was too large for her. She was fine when she was walking around freely around the store. Sheila and I had to chase her down to try on the coat but we coaxed her into trying it on without much fuss. So after she tries on the coat she starts roaming around again. So i'm just following her making sure she doesn't get into too much trouble. She decides to go into the dressing room. I didn't want her to. This is when it all blows up in my face. I tried to redirect her to go some other place but she wouldn't have any of it. She just started wailing and laid down on the floor. So what am I to do. It was relatively quite in the store before her shenanigans (It was around 10am) so I brought her back to the car and waited for Sheila to exchnage the coat. Of course by the time Sheila got in the car Lauren had started to fall asleep.

We went back home and Lauren took a good 2 1/2 hour nap. She woke up. Ate lunch. And was her happy go lucky self again!


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